

(disclaimer-we cut our Internet off at home for now so my posts may not have a's many pics for a bit. The following post has some pics and also has spits that say pic. I haven't figured out how to scroll down to edit post from my iPhone. Feel free to divulge.)

Lots has happened this past month...

I participated in the Tour de'sprit, which was a 24 hour run benefitting a ministry to Haiti. (don't worry I just ran 7 miles, while others ran 100!)

It was so fun! I hope to be a bigger part of it next year!


We finished up showering for sweet Amelia with a fabulous co-ed shower hosted by 7 of our best friends!

I was informed at the customer service desk at Walmart that I am banned from returning/exchanging anymore items for the next 6 months. I exceeded my returns if 4. (learn something new everyday).

Little miss had a great weight check up where she weighed in at 6.10! We were so excited.
Then she went in for her first round of shots and she weighed 8.6 and is 21 inches long! Growing girl!

Bear's birthday was the 15th. We celebrated with family at a local restaurant, Skimo's. For all those in the Memphis area, we highly recommend it!

I ran the two 10 milers in the MRTC Road Race Series at Shelby Forest. If any of you have ran that course...ouch! So so hilly! Probably the hilliest course in this area. But I survived.

Meeman-Shelby State Park

Some sweet friends from high school met up one Saturday for an afternoon reunion. It was so much fun! So great to see each other and catch up!

My grandmother, Mem, celebrated her 89th birthday. We all gathered at Logan's for dinner.

Annie Tucker made this spectacular cake.

We ended the month with a blowout weekend of the Harvest Joy festival at Crossroads...


A birthday party for sweet Cameron Schaeffer, who turned 2.


A fun surprise birthday celebration for Brandon Smith...

And lastly, on Sunday night we had much fun with a Halloween party at our house.

A full month, indeed. Just the beginning of the busy season. I pray we don't loose perspective during these sacred holidays that are about to be upon us.

1 comment:

The Labontes said...

isn't every fun thing even more wonderful with little amelia? can't believe you ran those hills out in the Forest! they are super steep in a car and on a bike, but running. no thank you! i'm impressed. I hope we can find a day to hang out soon.