Do you make New Year's resolutions? Do you think they work or not? Did you keep the one's you made last year?
I made some last year, wrote them down and managed to keep up with the slip of paper all year in my Bible. I actually did keep some of them. It was sad that I didn't keep others. I decided to do it again this year.
This year, I put things like.....
~run enough miles by June to make 1000 (from last June to this June)
~do crunches 5x a week (already slipping on that one)
~read my Bible every day
~be more encouraging to others and don't have such a bad attitude towards patients that come in my office at work. It is so easy to do that because I don't know them personally and they just leave and we won't see them for a long time. I have realized, though, that even though they may never know it, it is still wrong of me and it is discouraging to those I work with. I have recently been convicted AGAIN about this (letting unwholesome talk come from my mouth).
~spend more time at home, being still. Those that know me well, know that this will really be a challenge for me. I am one who loves to be on the go and with people all the time. I do not sit still well. I can't sit and watch t.v. for more than thirty minutes at a time. I get bored easily. I would rather be out doing something. So I decided I need to try and be home more with Bear at night. Besides, we are suppose to be saving money and I don't need to be getting coffee every other night!
~try not to eat so much dessert! This is probably going to be the most difficult one! I have to have a little piece of dark chocolate every day. I know, you say, "every day??" Yes, I have to! My head hurts if I don't! And I have read a lot about how dark chocolate is good for you. My problem is that one little piece is not where I stop! I was reading in a magazine the other day that was talking about how to control yourself at a party or a social gathering where there was a lot of yummy food. One of the things it said was to just skip dessert entirely because there is no nutritional value in it anyway. I thought, WHATEVER!!! I live for dessert! If I had to choose, I would have dessert over the main dish. So anyway, that is why I run! :) My friend actually gave me a headband to cover my ears that says, "Will Run for Chocolate". That is so true of me!
So what is your take on resolutions? Do they help you? Do you have any tips for how I can keep mine?
Welcome to the blog world Amanda! I look forward to reading more about your life adventures! =)
i KNOW the headband!!!! love it! you is very fleeting. God meant for us to enjoy life, HE delights in our enjoyment so...i say, EAT the chocolate and KNOW that God is taking delight. ;) coby
hey amanda! so glad I have another blog to stalk! Maybe I'll get on board one of these days. Even though you aren't doing coffee dates anymore, we still need to try and get that lunch or dinner one night.
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